2016年美国自动售货博览会(NAMA ONESHOW):破记录的成绩就在展会里


【芝加哥2016年5月2日】–据美国自动售货协会(NAMA)会展总监拉内·施莱尔(LyNae Schleyer)宣称,2016年美国自动售货博览会(NAMA OneShow)同时为参展商和来访观众带来了一次令人震撼、高价值、极具影响力的商业发展机会。
 (CHICAGO) May 2, 2016 – The 2016 NAMA OneShow delivered an electric, high-value, high-impact business growth opportunity for attendees and exhibitors alike, according to LyNae Schleyer, NAMA’s Vice President of Events.

 施莱尔(Schleyer)说道:“拥有4300多位来访观众和288家参展商——包括67家新展商,2016年在芝加哥举办的美国自动售货博览会(NAMA OneShow)再次联合了便利服务业,将领导者、决策者、企业家和企业主汇聚在一起。”
“With more than 4300 attendees and 288 exhibiting companies – including 67 companies new to the expo – the 2016 NAMA OneShow in Chicago once again united the convenience services industry, bringing together leaders, decision makers, entrepreneurs and business owners,” said Schleyer. 

由百事可乐赞助的开幕大会,以ABC电视台真人秀“创智赢家”(Shark Tank)节目明星洛瑞·格雷纳(Lori Greiner)和罗伯特·赫贾维克(Robert Herjavec)为特色,他们作为密歇根州立大学斯巴达创新项目(Spartan Innovation Program)企业家团队的裁判,与美国自动售货协会(NAMA)首席执行官卡拉·巴拉吉(Carla Balakgie)一起对创新项目竞赛给予了评判。

The General Session -- sponsored by PepsiCo – featured stars of ABC-TV’s show “Shark Tank,” Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec, who judged teams of entrepreneurs from Michigan State University’s Spartan Innovation Program, with NAMA’s CEO Carla Balakgie moderating the contest. 
本届开幕大会也标志着广为宣传的美国自动售货协会(NAMA)新品牌的发布和协会80周年的庆典。由美国自动售货协会(NAMA)主席霍华德·查普曼(Howard Chapman)主持的行业颁奖典礼以其气势宏伟且富有个性的仪式再次被证明为一大亮点,发表获奖感言的获奖者有:年度行业风云人物——乔希·罗森伯格(Josh Rosenberg),年度最佳联盟会员——阿特·维特恩(Art Wittern),年度最佳运营商——斯科特·麦斯金(Scott Meskin)。
The General Session also marked the launch of a widely-heralded new NAMA brand as well as recognition of the association’s 80th anniversary. Industry awards, hosted by NAMA Chair Howard Chapman, once again proved to be a special highlight with a robust and personal ceremony including acceptance speeches by winners: Industry Person of the Year, Josh Rosenberg; Allied Member of the Year, Art Wittern; and Operator of the Year, Scott Meskin. 
充满活力的社交机会包括星期二傍晚由美国自动售货协会(NAMA)行业女达人团体(WIN)和新兴领导人网盟(ELN)在硬石酒店(Hard Rock Hotel)联合举办的招待会。这周展会结束前还有一个有趣的现场元素——“星期五最后抽奖活动(The Friday Wrap)”,以展位内娱乐和抽奖方式为特色,在星期五上午展会现场最后几个小时内吸引了众多观众的参与。
Dynamic networking opportunities included Tuesday evening’s joint reception co-hosted by NAMA’s Women of the Industry (WIN) and the Emerging Leaders Network (ELN) at the Hard Rock Hotel. Closing out the week was a fun show floor element, “The Friday Wrap,” featuring in-booth entertainment and drawings, attracting strong participation during the final show floor hours Friday morning. 

 “We thank everyone who helped make OneShow a success, and look forward to seeing you April 19-21, 2017 at the Venetian/Sands Resort in Las Vegas,” Schleyer concluded. 

Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $25 billion U.S. convenience services industry. With more than 1100 member companies – including many of the world’s most recognized brands – NAMA provides advocacy, education and research for its membership. Visit NAMA on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  - 有关2017年美国自动售货博览会(NAMA OneShow)参展详情 - 


 联系人:Alex Chen先生



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